Mines and fossil fuel ports are the cockroaches of ecological issues. There’s enough money behind them that they are rarely defeated for good, instead they require great vigilance. It’s not like you have to say no, you have to say no again, and again, and again. Because the money behind the development isn’t going anywhere.
These are issues which unite conservationists, sportsfishermen, and the Tribes. Each group has an important role to play in defeating these efforts, the Tribes have been extremely effective defeating these efforts in courts, and sportsfishermen + conservationists need to show up in large numbers at meetings and ensure the politicians are listening.
The benefits of a terminal like this are extremely concentrated, while the costs–especially in the case of an ecological disaster–are borne buy us all and the envirnoment. Grays Harbor deserves your attention and support on this issue.
Opposition who deserve your support: Stand Up To Oil
Local Coverage: The Daily World
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